Short Horror Tales Unequalled?

They were fab, the Pan books of Horror
(and I don't think there's many'd disagree)
Edited by Herbert Van Thal, (great name),
they scared the crap out of me!

A dozen or so short stories,
I'd sit in bed reading with glee,
right into the early hours of morn,
as they scared the crap out of me!

The best thing about these fab Pan books,
is the stories were quite short you see.
I could get through each horror quite quickly.
As they scared the crap out of me!

They inspired me to write short horror tales.
It's something I now love to do.
And just as Pan scared the crap out of me,
I hope mine scare the crap out of you!

Thank you Pan!

Now please go on and read my short horror story:
'The Short Cut' 


cube said...

Loved them as a kid & still do. Lovecraft used to creep me out.

Franky Uk said...

They were great, weren't they, cube. Lovecraft a master of the art!

Anonymous said...

Great series!

There's been a few anthologies published over the past couple of years in the same tradition.
Some have even used the same font for the title - The BHF Book of Horror Stories, and The Humdrumming Book of Horror Stories.
The Black Book of Horror series has featured stories by authors who appeared in the Pan books.